Awareness programs on Industrial Revolution 4.0
Industrial revolutions have changed the order of the world. These revolutions have made a mark on human existence and changed the lives for ever. IR 4.0 is something that is disrupting the humanity and making it more and more human centric. Awareness towards the IR 4.0 is imminent to keep pace with the changing global market and the environment. PSEB is providing such programs that are going to shape the future of the coming generations.

IT / IoT / AR-VR / AI-ML / Cloud Innovation
In the wake of Industrial Revolution 4.0, the cloud computing and the architecture has taken the front seat in the global scenario. Artificial Intelligence is ruling the IT world and has thrown many challenges to the increasing demand in this aspect. PSEB is closely monitoring the change and training up-skilling / re-skilling people to adapt and embrace this change.

Social Entrepreneurship
The economy of the country lies in the growth of business. And business growth is more in entrepreneurship that strives in erecting a business model with revenue. Social entrepreneurship is taken as a social responsibility so that the economy of the individual and thereby the economy of the country will elevate gradually. PSEB is conducting these programs to ensure that the aspirants are supported to fulfill their entrepreneurial dreams vis-a-vis the dreams of the nation holistically.

Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)
This program is the clone of Social Entrepreneurship program, however defers in the modusoperandi and conceptualisation. EDP is developing the innovative mindset of the candidate aligning to the necessity of the social development as a whole. This programs are undertaken by PSEB to mould the enthusiastic entrepreneurs into sustainable business heads.

To empower our youth with the 21-century skills of Creativity |Innovation | Critical thinking | Design thinking | Social and cross-cultural collaboration | Ethical leadership
The 21st century has seen a wide change in the mindsets of people, similarly people have witnessed remarkable changes in the existence on this planet. We have every requirement to develop creativity, innovation, Critical thinking and allied skills to cope up with the changes. PSEB advocates these skills for every individual and also industry and works towards enhancing these skills.